For those of you who applied for a scholarship for the "She Speaks" conference and were like me, rushing to your email to find whether were one of the "chosen" ones. We all prayed, we all thought maybe this was the Lord's will for us, we all believed deep down that maybe, just maybe we could be chosen, then we opened our email and devastation hit. Then for some, the enemy would encourage us to succumb to the thoughts that God only works for certain people, or that we are not good enough, or that we may never have the opportunity to use anything for the Lord's work. Be of good cheer, He isn't finished with you yet!
Before I opened my email, I prayed and the familiar words of the song: Father of lights you delight in your children, every good and perfect gift comes from you. Somewhere inside of me I am not sure I really believed I had the possibility of winning but I felt led to the invitation to apply for the conference and the Lord made the way for me to get a blog posted even when I was unsure that I had anything of value to write and only His urging to do so.
But then a thought crossed my mind, the entire scholarship offer was the catalyst to actually posting and connecting with other bloggers. People had read something I posted...I can't even tell you how much that blessed my heart! It isn't about the training, or money or my works, it is about reaching the hearts of other women and that possibility was not shut down just because we were not awarded a scholarship. What a blessing for those who were awarded the scholarship, but for those who were not, do not discouraged, maybe we will be able to afford it later or maybe He provided another way, or maybe it will be a reality next year.
I am praying for all of you, that the Lord will lift your spirits, and your countenance, and He will cause His face to shine upon, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, however He chooses to bless you with good gifts!